How to create a task / an issue via Jira Rest API and Postman
3 min readApr 24, 2021
1. Getting Jira API Token
We need to have a Jira API Token first.
You can create your own Jira API Token from this page below. “”,
To create a Jira API Token:
- Click the “Create API Token” button.
- Give a name for the token (whatever you want) and click the “Create” button.
- Once the API Token is created, click the “View” button and note that token.
2. Sending Post Request (Postman)
- Select the “Post” method.
- Paste the following endpoint with “ Your Jira Cloud Site Name”.
- Click “Autorization” tab and select “Basic Auth” option.
- Enter your “Jira User Account Username/User Email”.
- However for the “password” instead of your “Current Jira User Account Password”, we need to use the “Jira API Token” that we’ve created above.
- Select “Body” tab then “Raw” radio button and aslo “JSON” option.
- Now add the following code snippet below into json text area. Update the “key” value of your jira project key (where the task will be created) and the “issuetype” etc.
- And finally click the “Send” button.
* Now you shoud have the following response below. If you’ve retrieved this, congratulations you’ve just created a task via Jira Rest API and Postman.