How to create a Jira task from a Form Page | Jira Rest API & PHP

Mert Kadir Gursoy
4 min readApr 25, 2021



  1. Getting Jira API Token

We need to have a Jira API Token first.

You can create your own Jira API Token from this page below. “”,

To create a Jira API Token:

  • Click the “Create API Token” button.
  • Give a name for the token (whatever you want) and click the “Create” button.
  • Once the API Token is created, click the “View” button and note that token.

2. Sending Post Request (Postman)

  • Select the “Post” method.
  • Paste the following endpoint with “ Your Jira Cloud Site Name”.

  • Click “Autorization” tab and select “Basic Auth” option.
  • Enter your “Jira User Account Username/User Email”.
  • However for the “password” instead of your “Current Jira User Account Password”, we need to use the “Jira API Token” that we’ve created above.
  • Select “Body” tab then “Raw” radio button and aslo “JSON” option.
  • Now add the following code snippet below into json text area. Update the “key” value of your jira project key (where the task will be created) and the “issuetype” etc.
  • And finally click the “Send” button.

* You should have the following response below. If you’ve retrieved this, congratulations you’ve just created a task via Jira Rest API and Postman and now we are able to move forward.

3. Getting Postman Post Request (from Code)

  • Click the “Code” button.
  • Select “PHP-cURL” tab.
  • Copy “Post Request Code”.

4. Creating A Form Page to Create A Task in Jira

  • Create a php form page in your web project. (i.e: form.php)
if ( isset($_POST["submitValue"]) ) {

$summary = $_POST["Summary"];
$description = $_POST["Description"];
/* The Postman > PHP cURL Code will be added here. */
<form method="post">
<label for="inp01"> Summary: </label><br>
<input type="text" name="Summary" id="inp01" size="40px" />
<label for="inp02"> Description: </label><br>
<input type="text" name="Description" id="inp02" size="40px" />
<input type="submit" name="submitValue" value="Submit" />
  • Add/Paste “PHP cURL” code that you’ve copied from Postman into the indicated area in the code.
  • Put the following form variables instead of static texts in “CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
if ( isset($_POST["submitValue"]) ) {

$summary = $_POST["Summary"];
$description = $_POST["Description"];

/* The Postman > PHP cURL Code */
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
\"fields\": {\n
\"project\": {\n
\"key\": \"YourJiraProjectKey\"\n
\"summary\": \"$summary\",\n
\"description\": {\n
\"type\": \"doc\",\n
\"version\": 1,\n
\"content\": [\n
\"type\": \"paragraph\",\n
\"content\": [\n
\"type\": \"text\",\n
\"text\": \"$description\"\n
\"issuetype\": {\n
\"name\": \"Task\"\n
"Authorization: Basic ****YOUR AUTORIZATION VALUE****",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Cookie: ****YOUR COOKIE VALUE****"
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;
/* The Postman > PHP cURL Code */
<form method="post">
<label for="inp01"> Summary: </label><br>
<input type="text" name="Summary" id="inp01" size="40px" />
<label for="inp02"> Description: </label><br>
<input type="text" name="Description" id="inp02" size="40px" />
<input type="submit" name="submitValue" value="Submit" />
  • Save the form.php file and open this form page in browser.
  • Fill the “summary” and “description” inputs and submit the form.
  • You should have the following response in the top of the form page. If you’ve retrieved this, congratulations you’ve just created a task from your form page via Jira Rest API.



Mert Kadir Gursoy
Mert Kadir Gursoy

Written by Mert Kadir Gursoy

Product Team Lead | Product Management ~ Product Design ~ UX Research ~ Technical Project Management

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